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Frederick Kicks Off Re-election Campaign  
5/21/2005 4:30:00 PM  

Bi-partisan Event Honors Every Day Heroes

Dumfries, Virginia (May 21, 2005) - Delegate Jeff Frederick kicked of his re-election campaign Saturday to a crowd of cheering supporters and bi-partisan elected officials that included Rep. Tom Davis, Chairman Sean Connaughton and other members of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors and dozens of other local elected officials, Republican, Democrat, and Independent.

The Frederick campaign kick-off rally was held at the Route 234 Commuter Parking lot where Frederick focused on the everyday heroes that live in the community and how they have inspired him during his time in the General Assembly.

"These everyday heroes inspire me and are the reason I work so hard to serve them as their representative in the House of Delegates,” said Frederick.

“Whether it's raising your kids, volunteering within the community or serving the public by being a teacher, police officer or firefighter, these folks may not think so, but they inspire us all. I thought it was appropriate to say thanks and honor them as I ask to be sent back to Richmond,” Frederick added.

In addition to thanking the community members, Frederick outlined a long list of accomplishments that he has spearheaded in Richmond. These accomplishments include the expansion of the 234 Commuter Lot where the kick-off event was held, additional state transportation funding, teacher pay raises, and his Newborn Screening Bill that increased the number of tests given to newborn babies in Virginia.

“The Newborn Screening Bill was something that really struck a chord with me and I wanted to help in any way I could. If it helps even one child it was worth everyone’s hard work and efforts to pass the bill,” said Frederick.

Frederick continued, “Commuting is a fact of life in Virginia and the expanded commuter parking lot won't solve all of our problems, but it is step in the right direction, and it’s a step towards working for the priorities of the people instead of the special interests.”

The kickoff event wasn't all about policy, though. Frederick's Mobile Office was on hand for people to stop by and share their concerns or get questions answered about state government.

Attendee Sandy Melson said, "No one is engaged on the issues that concern our community more than Jeff, and no one works as hard as he does for the people he represents. He’s been a constant presence in our schools and for me that’s important.”

Since being elected 16 months ago, Delegate Jeff Frederick has been called “the most effective freshman in the General Assembly”. During his first two regular sessions he was successful in getting some of his top legislative priorities passed, and increased funding to his district more than any other member of his freshman class.


Ted Prill 703-929-0623  

Re-Elect Jeff Frederick Delegate (52nd House District)
Transportation solutions. Responsible Growth. Better schools. Lower Taxes.

Authorized & Paid for by Friends of Jeff Frederick