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Delegate Files for Re-Election  
4/25/2005 11:38:23 AM  

Frederick submits more than four times the number of petition signatures of Barg effort

Woodbridge, Virginia (April 25, 2005) - Bolstered by a continued groundswell of support, Delegate Jeff Frederick today announced that he filed 865 official signatures of registered voters in support of his re-election to the Virginia House of Delegates representing the 52nd District in Prince William County.

Frederick's opponent, Hilda Barg who was asked to run by Gov. Mark Warner, reportedly only turned in 200 signatures in support of her candidacy -- many of which have been found to be not valid because they were not signed by eligible voters. At least 125 signatures of 52nd District voters are required to qualify for the ballot.

“I am honored and humbled by the overwhelming grassroots support we've received from all around our district. We met so many great new people, and had the opportunity to catch up with old friends as we collected these signatures. It is always a pleasure to get out into the community to hear people's concerns, and to discuss how we move Prince William and our Commonwealth into the future,” said Frederick.

“It was amazing at how exited people were about Jeff's re-election,” said Frederick campaign manager Ted Prill. “The fact that Jeff has accomplished so much in his just 15 months in office so far -- more than any other freshman in his class -- and his constant efforts to be in touch with the people he works for is surely a testament to the fresh and honest leadership he has brought to his constituents.”

In addition to petitions, Frederick also filed other documents to qualify him for the primary and general election ballots. He is unopposed in the June 14th primary.

“The status quo doesn't seem to recognize that we can't address tomorrow's problems with yesterday's solutions, so I look forward to continuing to work hard in representing our citizens and carrying on our discussion of better schools, less traffic, responsible growth and lower taxes with them,” Frederick said.


Also see:

Frederick Welcomes Governor's Candidate to the Race

Frederick Raises $55K in 1 Month

Ted Prill 703-929-0623  

Re-Elect Jeff Frederick Delegate (52nd House District)
Transportation solutions. Responsible Growth. Better schools. Lower Taxes.

Authorized & Paid for by Friends of Jeff Frederick