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Frederick files for re-election  
4/13/2007 9:25:00 AM  

Strong support in 52nd District for third term

Woodbridge, Virginia (April 13, 2007) – Delegate Jeff Frederick announced that yesterday he filed the necessary papers to secure a place on the November ballot for election to a third term as a member of the House of Delegates in the Virginia General Assembly representing eastern Prince William County. Among the papers filed were hundreds of signatures of registered voters in support of his re-election.

“I continue to be amazed and humbled by the incredible support the people of the 52nd district have expressed for my work in public office. Running for re-election every other year has its challenges, but having the opportunity to visit with old friends and meet new supporters makes the campaigning a lot of fun. It’s also just one more way to hear from the people I represent how I can serve them better in state government,” said Frederick.

Only 125 signatures are required to qualify for the ballot, but Frederick has made it a practice to turn in many multiples of the required number of signatures -- from all corners of his district -- indicating solid and a deep base of support for his campaign. Frederick has no opposition in the June 12 primary, so his qualification for the primary ballot automatically puts him on the November 6 general election ballot.

“Jeff is a strong independent voice for the 52nd District, so it isn’t surprising at how many citizens are excited about and supporting his re-election – and not just Republicans, but going door-to-door, I’ve heard the same sentiment from Democrats and Independents alike,” said Frederick’s campaign manager Megan Svajda. “As hard as Jeff works, as responsive and accessible as he is, and with all that he’s accomplished in just two terms, it’s no wonder he has such strong backing,” she added.

“It has been the honor of my life to serve, and I hope that the honest, pro-active, responsive, and accessible representation I've provided -- while delivering results -- will earn me the opportunity to serve a third term. I've kept my promises. I've kept the promises I made when I stood before the people in my last two elections and asked them for their vote, even after I was sworn in. I've done what I said I'd do,” Frederick said.


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    Megan Svajda 703-634-2430  

    Re-Elect Jeff Frederick Delegate (52nd House District)
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    Authorized & Paid for by Friends of Jeff Frederick